Engine Repair & Replacement
Winston-Salem NC

When something goes wrong with your vehicle’s engine, your vehicle might or might not start. Because vehicle engines now use computerized systems, you should stop driving it and bring it to our engine repair and replacement shop in Winston Salem, NC, as soon as possible. Failed parts and systems could cause more damage if you continue to drive the vehicle.
A vehicle’s check engine light tells you that you have a problem with the vehicle’s computer system. The electronic control module is the main component of the system that receives information from sensors and makes adjustments via other sensors to keep the air to fuel ratio correct based on what you are asking the vehicle to do. In a nutshell, the system measures air density, engine temperature, the amount of unburned fuel in the exhaust and adjusts the engine timing as needed.
Engine Repair
The check engine light tells you two things: When a sensor is not sending the correct signals and when the computer cannot make the appropriate changes.
For example, if the code tells the tech that the oxygen sensor is sensing too much unburned fuel in the exhaust, you could have a problem with the oxygen sensor, though it is more common to have an issue with one of the systems on the vehicle.
If a spark plug is not working properly, the cylinder does not fire properly, and that unburned fuel goes through the exhaust – the computer sets a code. It is up to the tech to figure out why the vehicle is sending unburned fuel through the exhaust.

Even with the advanced computer systems that keep your vehicle running efficiently, you still have mechanical parts that could fail.
These could be internal, such as a valve, piston, camshaft, timing chain or belt, or one of the engine’s accessories, such as the water pump.
All of the external parts eventually wear out and need to be replaced. Some of the parts require replacement as part of the vehicle’s maintenance program.
These include the timing belt or timing chain, spark plugs, radiator hoses and serpentine belts. When you keep up with the maintenance, you are less likely to experience major engine failures.
For example, if you do not change the serpentine belt and it stretches past its useful life, it could slide on the pulleys instead of turning them. If the belt does not turn the water pump, you could easily overheat the engine, blow a head gasket, or do other damage.
If the belt turns a mechanical fan and the fan doesn’t turn, you could also overheat the engine.
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